Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Hey guys...hope you're not missing anything...come on over to the new site...

If you haven't noticed, we're not here anymore...I just wanted to make it known to everyone that you'll need to switch your feedgrabbing doohickies to our new feed address:


and also to remind you that my show and site are now at a new site, which you can still get to by going to http://platinumrosesgarden.com but you can also get there directly by going to the full url address, which is http://platinumrosesgarden.pnrnetworks.popcornnroses.com.

I hope you're all sticking with me throughout the change - this site will go away permanently soon so make sure you make the changes you need - 'cause I'll miss you if you don't come on over to the new site...
